First Advantage Verify, Validate & Screen Using Teleduce

Corefactors Admin

February 1, 2025

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Background check screening is part of the Corporate recruitment process these days. Companies hire Background Verification Specialists to do a discreet check on potential employees, contractors, customers, volunteers etc. Financing firms too need to verify client backgrounds to assess their credit score. All this checking need to be done quickly and efficiently.
Background Screening Specialists like First Advantage have multiple tasks to juggle – maintaining and updating profiles, cross-checking the data, recording the discrepancies, preparing the reports etc. Apart from this, biometric verification including fingerprint checking is also part of their services. For employees, temporary staff and volunteers, a complete check on their educational qualifications, conduct, history of alcoholism or sexual offenses, financial liabilities etc. are undertaken. All this involves a lot of data to be recorded, sorted, compiled and verified. Variances have to be noted and alerts had to be initiated. Reports had to be prepared in the shortest time possible to facilitate quick hiring. Efficiency in terms of quality of information and quick reporting posed a great challenge to them.
At times, information had to be verified across multiple distant locations and then correlated. This cost a lot of time thus affecting service delivery and efficiency.
Integration of data across multiple channels also proved to be time-consuming factor which needed immediate attention. All these challenges emphasized the need for a integrated data handling and lead management system.


Teleduce emerged as the right solution by collating contacts, their personal information and interactions. Acting as an Integrated platform, it offered the functionality of a CRM for contact segregation, Data verification, Connectz for connecting to contacts and Analytics tool for monitoring.

Listing and sorting contacts

Using the List Manager, the contacts were classified as separate lists to be handled to individual executives. The List Manager can also maintain a complete list of the furnished documents of each individual to be verified.

Data Verification

Verifying contact’s data is the core function of Teleduce here. Using the innovative single ring method, the number is dialled and hung up after a single ring and the end user is not charged.
Validating the client information using IVR telephony was done effectively by Teleduce. Using an API, the client passed on the user’s mobile number. Teleduce then initiated a voice call using Connectz. If user answered the call, he was asked to press 1 or 2 on the nature of his reply. Customer responses were redirected to client via email. If the call went unanswered, an SMS was automatically sent.
Teleduce offered a unified dashboard to view the customer list with the total profile of their interactions. All the interactions are recorded here from multiple channels. It offers multi-channel communication through SMS, Voice calls and Emails.

Timely Interactions

In response, Teleduce initiates an automated SMS (with a missed call option) or a voice call using Connectz. Next the interaction is recorded and tracked via Missed Call, Landing page form filling or clicked link or DTMF. On the basis of the reply, targeting or retargeting measures are undertaken by executives. The nature of the responses is intimated to the client for further action. This helps in quick decisions for hiring new personnel.

Quick clarifications

In case of an customer query, a predefined message was sent using an inbound number. Based on the Inbound SMS, further client interactions are initiated using Connectz.

Regular Monitoring

Financial background checking involves checking of several parameters. Using the unified dashboard, all the parameters could be tracked. Teleduce offered a 360˚ view of the user- their assets and liabilities, credit score etc.
Similarly for employees, the unified dashboard gives a complete view of their personal information, conduct and professional competence in one glance which is very useful for the HR while hiring.


Minute changes for massive impact

  1. 35% increase in speed of process verifications.
  2. 20% more staff hired due to instant connectivity on data verification
  3. 50% reduction in application fraud due to quick and consistent data verification.
  4. The Company’s efficiency improved with a more systematic and professional approach.

Teleduce association for quick and efficient data verification

This Background Verification company adopted Teleduce to verify, validate and screen its contacts to improve delivery of service and efficiency and thereby increase its revenue. In an effort to enhance its efficiency, it used Teleduce to accelerate its verification processes and provider quicker reporting.
Teleduce offers an integrated solution to CRM, Contact Management and Data Verification can be customized to suit the client’s purpose. Its speedy implementation and quick delivery of service with obvious results renders Teleduce the right companion for an professional organization.

Teleduce – Product suite

List Manager

  • Listing and segregating contacts into lists
  • Using these lists to generate alerts for timely interactions and notify discrepancies

Data Verification

  • Quick verification through IVR
  • Instant Reporting through Email

Computer-Telephony Integration- Connectz

  • Instant response to clients by quicker connectivity
  • Automated SMS response for client queries

Multi-channel Communication

  • Voice, SMS, Email and Landing page optimization and CRM for data verification
  • Unified dashboard for integrating contact information


  • Analytics and reporting of customers, contractors and staff

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