Frequently Asked Questions


How to Create, Edit, and Delete Leads from Corefactors AI CRM?

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To Create a Lead or Enter One Manually, Follow These Steps:

  1. Select the Lead Box from the menu bar on the left side of your screen
  2. Click on the New tab in the top right corner of your screen
  3. The Lead Info form opens
  4. You can fill in the lead data as instructed on the form. The fields marked with a * are mandatory. For example, you can enter the contact number and lead requirement manually and you can select the source of the lead from the drop-down options available
  5. Click the Save button after filling out the Lead Info form
  6. This newly created lead will now appear as the first entry in the Lead Box

How Can You Edit a Lead Entry?

To edit your leads from the Lead Box, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the First Name of the lead you want to edit in the Lead Box
  2. The Lead Details page pops up and you can see the lead details under the Info tab
  3. Make the necessary changes
  4. Click on the Update button
  5. The lead has now been updated successfully

If you want a full-screen view of the Lead Details page, click the  button beside the lead's First Name. The page opens in a new tab and gives you a better view to edit the details.

How to Delete a Lead?

To delete individual leads from the lead box

  1. Click on the triple bar  button under the Action column of the lead you want to delete
  2. Select Delete Lead from the available Action options
  3. The lead is now deleted from the Lead Box

To delete multiple leads simultaneously

  1. Select the leads you want to delete by clicking on their respective checkbox
  2. Click on the Actions tab on the top right corner of the page
  3. Click on Delete from the drop-down menu
  4. A pop-up asks you to confirm the bulk delete action
  5. If you want to go ahead, then click on the Delete button; click on the Cancel button if you wish to review the leads you want to delete

Where do I View My Deleted Leads?

To view the leads you deleted,

  1. Click on the All Leads drop-down, present at the top of the screen
  2. Select the Deleted Leads option
  3. You can now view your deleted leads

What if I Deleted a Lead by Mistake or for Some Other Reason and Now I Want it Back?

Follow the steps mentioned to view your deleted leads, then

  1. Click on the triple bar  button under the Action column of the deleted lead you want back
  2. Click on Undo Delete
  3. You can now find this lead in your Lead Box