Frequently Asked Questions


How to Use the Team Filter in the Ticketing System?

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Here’s how you can do that in Corefactors CRM.

Go to Support Box (insert symbol) from the menu bar on the left side of the Corefactors AI CRM screen

  1. The drop-down menu on the top left of the Support Box has different team filter options. If you select Team Open Tickets, it will show that particular team’s open tickets. If you only want to see the tickets that have been assigned to you, select the My Tickets option.
  2. If you want to filter out tickets on a more specific level, say you want to see all the tickets that have been assigned to Agent A; you can select that from the drop-down menu right next to the Assigned To column.
  3. You can also filter out tickets based on their status by choosing the required status from the drop-down menu.

All quick filters appear on the header.