Frequently Asked Questions


How to Create Teams and Assign Agents to These Teams in the Support Box?

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Follow these steps to create teams and assign agents to these teams in Corefactors CRM.

  1. Click on the Ticket Configuration button present in the top right corner of the Support Box.
  2. Select Group Configuration.
  3. Click on the Add Team option.
  4. Enter the Team Name and description (optional), select members who are part of the team, and select the team lead.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Now you will need to add the topics under this newly created team.
  7. Click on the Topic sub-tab under Group Configuration.
  8. Click on Add Topic.
  9. Enter the Topic Name, The team it comes under, and the SLA setting (insert link to SLA FAQ.)
  10. Click Save.

You can create multiple topics in this manner and these updates will be reflected in the Ticket Info section.